Concept Sketch (2019)

Climate Change Activist Pop-Ups
The urgency of today’s climate change and global warming crisis requires demands more public engagement. Massive street marches and political engagement campaigns are great, but they are costly to organize, infrequent, and are “not for everyone.”
Inspire groups of family/friends/biz colleagues/school classes/social and religious groups/etc. to create doable, low-cost climate change actions that can be sustained locally and frequently over time. Politicians and corporate leaders need to know our values, how we feel, and that we’re determined to influence their “bottom lines” if they do not take meaningful actions now to curb greenhouse gas emissions.
Small, agile, sustainable, climate change pop-up actions by affinity groups for any size community.
- Small groups of activists wearing captivating climate change uniforms.
- Climate Hats made with high-relief, mixed-media techniques on large/expanded brims of straw Chinese farmer’s hats.
- The body-language of the Pop-Up participants is silent and peaceful, yet assertive.
- Interactivity to include:
* Pithy flash-card slogans envisioned to “nudge” questions from and conversations with pop-up viewers on their lunch-hour.
* Hashtags on the climate uniforms will link to ArtSci-Climate’s Twitter Account. Tweets there will link to a Project Page on the ArtSci-Climate website. It will include biome science links and the reasons why biome preservation/ restoration is critical to sustaining all life on planet Earth.
Cynthia Pannucci was a seminal leader of the global art-sci field as the founder-director of ASCI (Art & Science Collaborations, Inc.). It is noted for creating a digital hub, info-sharing tools, international symposia and art-sci exhibitions and projects in NYC and elsewhere. See “ABOUT” in site menu.
On the steps of City/Village Halls, at New York’s Wall Street/Stock Exchange, at corporate and bank headquarters during shareholder meetings, and near waiting-lines to sports and music/theater events.
Self-funded by group participants’ volunteer time and energy, with permits from government agencies when needed.

(above) Pop-Up Activists will wear Climate Change Hats taking their visual cues from our planet’s various biomes. [See DESIGNS and VIDEO menu links for more climate change hat information.]