After years of working in 2-dimensions, I could not contain my desire to add textures and patterns to low-relief artworks, and then make small 3D art.

(1987) (21″ x 33″ x 3″)
fabrics, patterned plastic, objects, sewing lines, and sprayed paint on paper; commission for private client by interior designer, Sandy Grotta.

(1991) (4′ x 5′ x 3″)
stuffed fabrics painted with puff-paint, and curved fabric-covered poster board, wooden chop-sticks, detail lines machine-sewn on poster board; mounted on painted Masonite in Plexiglas box; commissioned by the Staten Island Children’s Museum

Artificial Reality: Life Raft for Polar Bears
(2008) (4″H x 12″L x 9″W)
Vinyl, wood, leather strips, papier-mâché, plastic. We are all facing the negative impacts of climate change, but some “beings” more rapidly than others. Can we envision solutions for them too?